Wednesday May 17th, 2023 7PM EST


A 5-step framework to lose weight efficiently, gain confidence, and elevate your career performance. 

A 5-step framework to lose weight efficiently, gain confidence, and elevate your career performance.

Want a PROVEN fat loss formula that has helped hundreds of women lose weight and boost their confidence and energy levels?

Are you an ambitious, motivated professional and a busy parent who feels like you have no time for your health?

Is excess weight stealing your confidence and making you feel like you’ll never be able to build your business or uplevel in your career?

Do you wake up drained and struggle to find time for yourself because every moment of your day is focused on work or looking after your kids?

Has losing and gaining the same 10-20 lbs. over and over left you feeling hopeless about ever sustaining fat loss results?

In this webinar, you will learn a proven formula to lose stubborn weight, transform your health, and step into your full potential personally and professionally.

Are you an ambitious, motivated professional and a busy parent who feels like you have no time for your health?

Is excess weight stealing your confidence and making you feel like you’ll never be able to build your business or uplevel in your career?

Do you wake up drained and struggle to find time for yourself because every moment of your day is focused on work or looking after your kids?

Has losing and gaining the same 10-20 lbs. over and over left you feeling hopeless about ever sustaining fat loss results?

In this webinar, you will learn a proven formula to lose stubborn weight, transform your health, and step into your full potential—personally and professionally.

Here’s what you’ll learn inside this 60-minute training:



Fat Loss


5 steps to streamline your weight loss, so you feel and look your best.


Calculating your Personalized Macro Blueprint

Implement a flexible eating method that allows you to shed the fat in the most efficient way possible, while eating the foods you love.



the Big 3


Recalibrate your day with 3 key habits that drive results and reignite your energy levels.

This Masterclass will give you the exact steps to make this the summer you finally feel comfortable, confident, and in control of your body…

With a nutrition and lifestyle system that runs automatically in the background, so you can focus on achieving more at work and spending more time with your kids and partner. 

The truth is, there are lots of diets out there that can help you lose weight quickly.

You’ve probably tried some of them (and maybe even seen a few pounds drop off).

But what happened when you got tired of feeling restricted, and your busy, stressful life drained your willpower?

The weight came back as quickly as you lost it, and you beat yourself up for “failing” again. 

Even if you’ve never been able to keep the weight off, take a moment to consider this:

What if all these past “failures” weren’t actually your fault? 

Instead, here’s the real problem:

Most diet programs are NOT designed to fit the lifestyle and mindset of busy professionals (especially those who are also busy with kids). 

I know this, because I was once where you are!

Hey, I'm Andres!

I’m a Sports Dietitian, Fat Loss Expert, and entrepreneur. I started my career working with high level athletes, and founded Planos Nutrition (formerly Vive Nutrition) in 2018. 

Owning my own business has taught me that your business and career can only perform as well as you perform. 

When I was in college, and later getting my Master’s, I let my health take a backseat in my life. I was so focused on career and financial success that I neglected my own self-care. It wasn’t until I looked at the mirror, almost 20 lbs. heavier that I realized I needed to do something.

I tried several trendy diets and programs, but each one demanded time and willpower I didn’t have…and never gave me the results I wanted.

Eventually, I realized that unsustainable approaches weren’t the solution; instead, using my experience with high level athletes…

I designed a system that combined the principles of sports nutrition with the science of habit change, to create a blueprint for my health goals (without harsh food restrictions). 

Only then did I start to look, feel, and perform like an athlete, inside and outside the gym.

I lost the 20 lbs. I had gained, and have sustained that ever since. Now, I'm taking those strategies and applying them each day as a new dad!

After 10 years as a dietitian and working with over 650 clients to help them lose weight and keep it off, I’ve learned something important about making lasting changes:

Optimal performance and efficient fat loss requires a holistic system that encompasses nutrition, mindset, lifestyle, and movement.

What happens when this system is in place?

  • You feel and look your best, so you show up as the most confident, empowered version of yourself.

  • You love the person you see in the mirror.

  • You feel capable of bringing your biggest ideas to life.

  • You feel satisfaction at the end of every productive work day, AND you’ll still have plenty of time for your kids and social life.

  • You don’t have to spend time stressing about food and your weight, so you have more energy to put towards learning, creating, and enjoying time with your family.

But don’t take my word for it…here is what our clients had to say after implementing the same 5-step framework you will learn in this Masterclass.

This Masterclass is the most in-depth FREE training I have ever offered on the methods that have made Planos clients so successful.

And, by registering for this class, you will have the opportunity to gain access to two valuable bonuses, COMPLETELY FREE.


  • The single most important habit for managing cravings.

  • 5 nutrition changes you can start making TODAY to instantly reduce cravings.

  • 7 healthy dessert recipes to satisfy your sweet tooth (without the energy crash)

  • One transformative mindset shift to dramatically reduce the urge to overeat.


(Only available if you attend the Masterclass LIVE!)

  • High protein breakfast recipes to keep you satisfied and energized.

  • Easy lunch recipes you can pack and take to work.

  • Simple, delicious dinners that will save you hours in the kitchen (and hundreds of $ on takeout).

  • Mouthwatering snacks & desserts to satisfy your cravings.

  • Calories & macros for every recipe, to easily fit these meals into your personalized nutrition blueprint.

This Masterclass is for you if...

You've tried trendy diets, such as keto or intermittent fasting, but they never gave you the results you wanted.

You struggle to get through the day without multiple cups of coffee.

By the end of a stressful work day, you feel too tired to play with your kids.

You feel uncomfortable in your clothes and are overwhelmed with self-criticism every time you look in the mirror. 

Your low confidence and motivation are holding you back from thriving in your career or building the business of your dreams.

You want to commit to feeling better, looking better, and setting a good example for your family, but you don't know how to get there.

It’s time to upgrade your life and become the BEST version of yourself. Here are just a few of our Planos clients that have used our macro-awareness system to transform their bodies and lives, by implementing exactly what we will be teaching inside this masterclass

Get ready to feel more in control of your nutrition and more productive in every area of your life.

This masterclass will give you all the tools you need to stay consistent with your nutrition and exercise habits while managing kids and a busy career.


Who is the masterclass for?

This masterclass is for busy professionals and parents who want to learn how to optimize their health and lose weight so they can show up as the best version of themselves at work and for their family.

Will it be recorded?

Yes! The masterclass will be recorded and sent out to you the morning after the class takes place. HOWEVER, you will only receive access to our 50 Fat Loss Recipes Ebook if you attend the webinar LIVE.

When does it start? 

The masterclass will take place on Wednesday May 17th at 7:00pm EST. You will receive a reminder the morning of the event, as well as 30 minutes before.

How can I join the masterclass? 

After you sign up, look for email from Zoom to access your link to the webinar. If you don't see it, check your spam folder, and if you still can't find it, send us an email at [email protected].

How should I prepare?

Find a quiet place to watch, and have a pen and paper nearby to take notes. You may also want a calculator, as I will be walking you through the process of calculating your macronutrient needs.

How long will the masterclass be?

 The masterclass will be approximately 1 hour long.

Will I be able to ask questions?

Yes, there will be a Q&A portion at the end of the session. However, I will not be able to provide personalized coaching or specific macronutrient recommendations during this time.

Is this going to be a pitch fest?

Lol! No, the focus of this masterclass is giving you strategies you can implement immediately to start seeing results. At the end, we will be sharing an opportunity to continue working together, but you will get a lot out of this class whether or not you take advantage of this opportunity.

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DISCLAIMER: All posts and information provided within this website is for informational and educational purposes only, and is not to be construed as medical advice or instruction. No action should be taken solely on the contents of this website. Please consult your physician or a qualified health professional on any matters regarding your health and well being or on any opinions expressed within this website. The information provided in this site is believed to be accurate based on the best judgment of the author/individual member posting. However, you as the reader must be responsible for consulting with your own health professional on matters raised within. I ,the owner of this site, will not accept responsibility for the actions or consequential results of any action taken by any reader.